Thursday 1 October 2015

Meta Update - First Post

 "Oh, Anakin's not a Jedi yet. He's still a padawan learner."
- Padmé Amidala, Episode II

Welcome to the first of my meta-posts about this blog. As you may be able to tell already, I am a Star Wars fan. My intention for these posts is to update you the reader on my plans for this blog.

This blog is to document my attempt to write an introductory to intermediate guide on option strategies. Although I have a vision for what this should be, I expect it will evolve as I write the text and get feedback. Soon I will begin posting various outlines, drafts, and excerpts from here. This mostly as a learning exercise for myself - as I write, I will learn at the same time. Since that's the goal, I don't intend to monetize this guide in any way. However, please keep in mind that I am not a financial professional nor expert, and have learned the material on my own.

A secondary goal is to document any interesting trades I think of. I might make or lose money so under no circumstances should you view this as trading advice - it is purely academic. In fact most of the trades will be paper trades - especially if they're risky!

Since I'm only able to work on this in my spare time, I think I'll schedule updates for Mondays. If I end up keeping a better pace, I may add another update per week.Or maybe I'll save the second weekly post to comment on my paper trades.

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