Monday 12 October 2015

Draft Foreword

"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...."
- Star Wars opening craw
Although this may be a bit early, I decided to draft a foreword. I feel like usually the foreword is one of the last things you write, but in this case I wrote it to give a sense to myself as to why I doing this. Without further ado, here it is:
Learning about options has been an interesting and enjoyable process for the most part. It definitely wasn’t a smooth journey and I still wouldn’t call myself any sort of an expert. I have no formal qualifications related to finance – everything I know I learned in my spare time. I will admit that I started off by using options as a get-rich-quick plan. After figuratively throwing some of my money into the garbage, I realized that nothing is really that easy in life. At that point I rededicated my efforts to understanding options and how they could be employed.

Options can be like a good friend if used correctly – more good times than bad. But without careful planning they can also easily turn on you and wipe out your account. Keep in mind that the informed trader is the wise trader.

This text is not so much for you as it is for me – the best way to master something is to try to teach it. I expect that I will make errors and mistakenly inject my opinions into this piece. I hope that you, the reader, have a cautious mindset while reading this and are open to informing me of any mistakes. If you benefit at all from this book, all I ask is that you let me know. If you took the time to read any of it and found you didn’t appreciate it, I too ask that you let me know – but specifically on what can be improved upon. Please send all e-mails related to errors and/or suggestions to <e-mail 1 here>.

The current plan is for this to be a companion reference for options, not an instructional text. I will release it in stages as my progress permits, so please be patient with its perpetual “work in progress” status. For more general comments <e-mail 2 here> is where I can be reached.

May the odds be ever in your favour and the force always with you,

The Author
September 23rd, 2015
Yes, I have had that draft sitting around for two and a half weeks.

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